Sitting in church this past Sunday morning, the organist played a bit of
Just As I Am Without One Plea and, as usual, I was taken back 50+ years ago in a flash. My Grandpa Griffith loved to watch the Billy Graham Crusades on TV and I would sit on the big, wide arm of his easy chair to watch alongside him. Grandpa was a man of few words, but once in a while he would say, "that's right" or give an "Amen" during the broadcast.
Grandpa, Grandma, sister Nancy and me on the front porch
of their home outside Medaryville, Indiana, circa 1955. |
Actually, seated that close I can also remember the sweet smell of the tobacco he was always chewing. I do come from a long line of tobacco users and those memories can come roaring back instantly with the aroma of tobacco or even with a special song or hymn from long ago.
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