Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Enough Already

I can no longer tolerate the nasty tone, the accusations, the negative barbs, and the criticism of all things political—on one side or the other—heard on talk radio. For years, I've tuned in to Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Savage, et al, but I simply can't stomach any of it any longer.

Now, anyone who knows a bit about me knows I'm a libertarian-leaning dude, which puts me a long, long way from being a fan of the current occupant of the Oval Office. But really, how different will the next four years turn out with someone else at the helm? Simply stated, the next President, no matter who will be as much on the take from big money as anyone else has been in recent memory.

C'mon, we all know that money runs the show. The candidates need multi-millions to run a winning campaign and there are those groups out there that will gladly ante up...with great expectations for a nice return of investment.

So, where does that leave little ol' you 'n' me? What difference do our likes, dislikes, and favorite causes make in the direction these candidates take? Until someone, maybe, someday, somehow has the guts to change the way of American politics, we will not see change for the better. Those that must make the changes are those most benefiting from the way things currently flow; who wants to rock that boat?

Therefore, I'm switching off talk radio in favor of podcasting, by and large. There are podcasts available, free, for just about any subject you could name. Astronomy, tech news and advice, cooking, survival prep, business, education, your interest. For me, time is much better spent on things that I truly enjoy and may benefit from hearing.

I'm looking forward to a refreshing, positive change—a change in how I productively spend some of my spare time, not in how things work in politics or the negativity of talk radio.

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