On this final day of August, just over two months prior to our Presidential Election, I give you yet another snippet from an episode of the HBO program, The News Room. I know, I know, the writers, producers and directors of this program are raving lunatic whacko commies...or at least appear so to some of us. Others feel they've hit the nail squarely on the head.
This is nothing new; hell, we Americans have been bickering back and forth about such topics for generations. The public bickering however, in my opinion, has reached an all-time low point. Both sides throwing lies out there while hoping no one will notice and call them on it, evidently. Pretty sad.
I'm no historian, so maybe politics has been so low down, dirty and full of lies all along...but as for me, I'm sick of all of it. November 6 cannot come and go soon enough, so we can begin hearing about the 2016 race, of course. Good grief.
The following is presented here to get those brain cells in gear. What do you think?
Random thoughts, beliefs, comments and history from the beautiful hills of southeastern Kentucky, to the Detroit auto industry and beyond.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Puttin' Up the Flag
A good friend just sent me the following link. Sorry I couldn't find a way to embed the video, but you can get there easy enough by just "clicking" the link shown below.
Just simple facts, along with some feelings, stated well by a guy that could be called a member of our great Silent Majority. Yes, it has a tiny religious bent to it, but why not? This is America and we're free to do that.
Yes, I'm sappy, patriotic, country-loving...things that sometimes make other parts of the world hate us. No, we are far from perfect, but I can't think of a better place.
God Bless America!
Just simple facts, along with some feelings, stated well by a guy that could be called a member of our great Silent Majority. Yes, it has a tiny religious bent to it, but why not? This is America and we're free to do that.
Yes, I'm sappy, patriotic, country-loving...things that sometimes make other parts of the world hate us. No, we are far from perfect, but I can't think of a better place.
God Bless America!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Fantastic Weather
This year's weather has been strange and unpredictable: an extremely mild winter, two weeks of 70-degree weather in March, freezing nights in April, multiple 100-degree days in July. But, that's Michigan for you. As they say, if you don't like today's weather, just wait, tomorrow is sure to be different.
This week has been filled with "Chamber of Commerce" weather, however. Temperatures in the upper 70s, cool good-for-sleeping nights, and brilliant clear blue skies. Absolutely lovely, as shown in this photo taken from my office 4th floor window this morning.
Perfect, don't you agree?
This week has been filled with "Chamber of Commerce" weather, however. Temperatures in the upper 70s, cool good-for-sleeping nights, and brilliant clear blue skies. Absolutely lovely, as shown in this photo taken from my office 4th floor window this morning.
Perfect, don't you agree?
A Beautiful and Majestic Ode
Back in my college days, I needed a "fluff" course to fill out my schedule so I decided to take a Classical Music Appreciation class. Amazingly, the class gave me an actual appreciation for and love of classical music! Imagine that!
A good friend just sent me a link to the video displayed below. It isn't the full fourth movement of Mr. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, but you'll get the idea...this is truly majestic stuff.
Oh, at about 4:00 into the video, you can get a good idea of what I expect to hear as I travel through that "tunnel" many people who've had near-death experiences have talked about. You know, on that last journey when my time here is completed. I've put in my request, someday I'll see if The Big Guy comes through for me.
Now, enjoy the video and watch the faces of the people, young and old alike; it truly is an ode to great joy. Thanks, Ludwig.
A good friend just sent me a link to the video displayed below. It isn't the full fourth movement of Mr. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, but you'll get the idea...this is truly majestic stuff.
Oh, at about 4:00 into the video, you can get a good idea of what I expect to hear as I travel through that "tunnel" many people who've had near-death experiences have talked about. You know, on that last journey when my time here is completed. I've put in my request, someday I'll see if The Big Guy comes through for me.
Now, enjoy the video and watch the faces of the people, young and old alike; it truly is an ode to great joy. Thanks, Ludwig.
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Garden is Winding Down
Well, in just a month we'll be at the first day of Autumn, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that the garden is beginning to slow down. However, in another week or two I plan to get a fall planting in of the more cool-hearty veggies, like lettuce, peas, Swiss chard and a couple others. The snow won't be flying for quite a while, so why not make "hay" while the sun shines?
I apologize for the poor photo quality here (too much green with the wooded area in the background), but I'll follow-up with a few better shots. The tomato and cucumber plants are absolutely huge and both produced very well.
Our cucumber plants have pretty much stopped production, but we've enjoyed lots of them fresh while looking forward to tasting the dill pickles happily soaking away right now in basement storage. I just checked them and they look great. I made myself put them back on the storage shelving, though, at least for a while longer.
All in all, I've been pleased with our production, considering the crazy hot and dry summer we've experienced this year. As I said, though, the Fall garden is still to come.
I apologize for the poor photo quality here (too much green with the wooded area in the background), but I'll follow-up with a few better shots. The tomato and cucumber plants are absolutely huge and both produced very well.
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These heirloom cherry tomatoes, you may recall, were "volunteers" that popped up from seeds in our compost pile. |
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We cannot honestly figure how these Roma volunteers made their way into the garden. We haven't grown any Roma tomatoes! |
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These Beefsteak beauties were grown from plants this year. They're a beautiful deep red inside and sweet as can be. |
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We've enjoyed these mild "Cubanelle" peppers; similar to banana peppers. They go about 6" long when ripe and are a tasty addition to a fresh salad. |
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I plan to dry this basil as soon as it fully matures. |
All in all, I've been pleased with our production, considering the crazy hot and dry summer we've experienced this year. As I said, though, the Fall garden is still to come.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Martian Landscape Panorama
Here's a fantastic interactive 360° color panorama of Curiosity rover and the surrounding Martian landscape beamed back from the vehicle. Pretty amazing stuff!
Nice job by Andrew Bodrov putting this together.
Link directly to the original web page and image HERE.
Nice job by Andrew Bodrov putting this together.
Link directly to the original web page and image HERE.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
What a Pickle!
We canned four quarts of dill pickles last night; my first endeavor of this kind. They didn't come out looking perfect, like a jar of Claussen's, but I think they're going to be pretty tasty. Lots of garlic, dill, pickling spices, vinegar and salt...how could they not be fantastic? At least each jar sealed tight, so we're off to a good start.
We'll give them a minimum of a week, hopefully our curiosity will hold off even longer, then crack a jar open to taste the fruits of our labor. It was fun putting them together; I hope the eating will be even better!
We'll give them a minimum of a week, hopefully our curiosity will hold off even longer, then crack a jar open to taste the fruits of our labor. It was fun putting them together; I hope the eating will be even better!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Dare Mighty Things
I'm sure you know of the incredible journey just completed by "Curiosity" winding up safely on the surface of Mars, a mere 140 million miles from Earth, give or take a few. I came across this video and thought it did a great job of illustrating what took place during the final, white-knuckle portion of that mission.
This collection of various NASA animation, telemetry data, onboard vehicle instrumentation, incident audio, and JPL footage was put together beautifully by film critic and film maker Brandon Fibbs.
Pretty amazing "2001: Space Odyssey" stuff. Congratulations to the great work by the team at the Jet Propulsion Lab; the first and most critical part of the mission was accomplished, but the work is far from over.
This collection of various NASA animation, telemetry data, onboard vehicle instrumentation, incident audio, and JPL footage was put together beautifully by film critic and film maker Brandon Fibbs.
Pretty amazing "2001: Space Odyssey" stuff. Congratulations to the great work by the team at the Jet Propulsion Lab; the first and most critical part of the mission was accomplished, but the work is far from over.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Self Control or Gun Control?
First of all, I'm licensed by the state of Michigan to carry a concealed weapon. I've trained extensively, I've taken the required class, I've studied and I certainly feel I'm qualified to carry a firearm, which is a right guaranteed by the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution—training, classes or studies be damned—to be ready to defend myself, my loved ones, and others in need of protection from the garbage among us that would do us harm.
Now, zoom back to Friday, July 20th, just after midnight in a Cinemark theater in Aurora, Colorado. That establishment forbade citizens like myself from carrying their weapons inside the theater, just as most theaters do here in Michigan. At least one patron of the theater that night has come forward to report he is licensed to carry a concealed firearm in Colorado, but was not carrying due to the establishment's rules. Friends, please help me to understand what good that company policy did? What good is it presumed to do in any self defense situation?
The city of Chicago has some of the most stringent gun-forbidding laws in the nation, yet every single night gun violence occurs throughout that city (just read the Chicago Tribune as I do). Does it really, really make sense to forbid law-abiding citizens their Constitution-given right to arm and protect themselves? I think not.
The old saying seems trite, but think about it: An armed society is a polite society.
Here's my own belief: So-called Gun-Free Zones are a farce; they exist to make politicians and those who fear firearms feel better about having to tolerate gun freedoms granted us by the Constitution.
Here's what one of my favorite gun proponents had to say about the situation:
Now, zoom back to Friday, July 20th, just after midnight in a Cinemark theater in Aurora, Colorado. That establishment forbade citizens like myself from carrying their weapons inside the theater, just as most theaters do here in Michigan. At least one patron of the theater that night has come forward to report he is licensed to carry a concealed firearm in Colorado, but was not carrying due to the establishment's rules. Friends, please help me to understand what good that company policy did? What good is it presumed to do in any self defense situation?
The city of Chicago has some of the most stringent gun-forbidding laws in the nation, yet every single night gun violence occurs throughout that city (just read the Chicago Tribune as I do). Does it really, really make sense to forbid law-abiding citizens their Constitution-given right to arm and protect themselves? I think not.
The old saying seems trite, but think about it: An armed society is a polite society.
Here's my own belief: So-called Gun-Free Zones are a farce; they exist to make politicians and those who fear firearms feel better about having to tolerate gun freedoms granted us by the Constitution.
Here's what one of my favorite gun proponents had to say about the situation:
Massad Ayoob
22 Jul 2012 11:36 PM PDT
Our last entry here touched on “gun-free zones,” and whether the theater
where the latest mass-murder atrocity took place guaranteed its premises to be a
safe hunting preserve for the mad dog killer who wrought horror there. In blog
commentary, I was asked if I could provide a link to confirm that the
establishment where it happened, and its parent chain Cinemark, forbade
law-abiding armed citizens to legally carry firearms there.
Try these: http://johnrlott.blogspot.com/2012/07/no-guns-policy-at-cinemark-theaters.html http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/07/robert-farago/cinemark-theaters-no-legal-firearms-allowed/ http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/open-carry-issues-discussions/89005-asked-leave-cinemark-theater.html http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?46023-Cinemark-Theaters Debate over whether a court would determine that the “guns forbidden” policy carried power of law seems moot: we’re talking practical reality here. Most of us go by the common sense precept, “Do not go where you are not wanted.” Armed citizens who could have stopped the killer were clearly notified by the company policy that “they were not welcome there.” When you make potential rescuers unwelcome, do not blame those potential rescuers for not being there when the disaster happens, and the death toll mounts because what could have stopped the killing has been banned from your establishment. |
Friday, August 3, 2012
Angel Flight
Although I never got up in the air, unbelievably, I did spend four years in the U.S. Air Force. This video had many emotions jumping to the surface of my awareness. Pride in these air crews, the air traffic controllers that guide them, and the men and women on the ground, even today, fighting in the hope of helping parts of our world to become better places.
Still, it all begs the question in this old guy's heart: is it all really worth it?
With that question floating out there, grab a tissue, if you're at all an emotional sap like me, and watch this outstanding four-minute video.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
It Won't Be Long Now
In just a few weeks, that special, very exciting sports season will begin...collegiate football. That time of year is my absolute favorite for sports, especially when it involves the University of Michigan Wolverines. The USA Today Coaches Preseason Poll was just announced and I've posted it below for those that care and haven't seen it elsewhere.
I see the Wolverines are picked as eighth in the country...not too shabby. I wholeheartedly agree that this season will be an improvement over last year for Michigan (not an easy order) and offer hours of excitement for fans everywhere.
Let the (football) games begin!
I see the Wolverines are picked as eighth in the country...not too shabby. I wholeheartedly agree that this season will be an improvement over last year for Michigan (not an easy order) and offer hours of excitement for fans everywhere.
Let the (football) games begin!
| Team (first-place votes) |
Final 2011 rank
LSU (18)
Alabama (20)
Southern California (19)
| Oklahoma |
| Oregon |
| |
| Florida State |
| Michigan |
| |
| |
| |
| Wisconsin |
| |
| Clemson |
| Texas |
| Nebraska |
| TCU |
| Stanford |
| Oklahoma State |
| Virginia Tech |
| Kansas State |
| Boise State |
| Florida |
| Notre Dame |
| Auburn |
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