Friday, July 6, 2012

Hot Tamale, er...Tomato Update

Good grief, what a summer so far! As I write this, we're at 103° even and looking to hit 105° for today's high temp. We've had heat indices into the 100s since the last weeks in June and it is beginning to wear everyone down. Not to worry though, it should drop into the mid-eighties next week. Yay!!! Obviously, I've been dutifully pumping the water to the garden almost every morning and it's hanging in there so far. We had our first bites on a salad last night:  a freshly picked, sliced cucumber. Mmm, mmm good!

I'm loving the garden progress, in spite of this weather. Looks good, doesn't it?

That cucumber plant in the foreground is reaching for the sky! About 5 feet tall, with the help of a tomato cage.

I picked this nice cuke right after the photo was taken. That is a 1" wide slat just below it, so it was time. Cool it down, slice, add a little salt and enjoy! His baby brother is coming along nicely right beside him, too.

Wanna buy a tomato? All our plants are coming along just fine, even those volunteers! Can't wait for a jumbo slice on a burger or tossed salad.

Sorry for the lack of focus, but you get the idea.
It's too dang hot to go back out for another shot! 

The Kentucky Wonder (of course) pole beans are really taking off. I'm working to get them to hook onto that trellis in back, then up, up and away!

Finally, this gorgeous sweet pepper is about three inches, top to bottom; it won't be long before we can pick and enjoy.

So, all in all, especially considering the scorching weather of the past two weeks, I'm pretty pleased with our garden progress. We'll have lots of delicious, healthy eating over the weeks to come.

One bonus of all this hot, humid weather:  the local garden center suggests watering the lawn, but say do not mow the grass! Mowing would only add to the stress the lawn is experiencing. Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks great! Enjoy those fresh veggies.
