Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eagle Owl Slo-Mo

This, to me anyway, is a very cool piece of super slow-motion videography.

Check it out:

Now, just to show you where an old guy's "head" goes from time to time, I must say that this reminds me of the old Last Great Act of Defiance cartoon/poster from a few years ago. It depicted an eagle, talons extended and wings outstretched much like this owl, bearing down on a defenseless mouse.

The little mouse, seeing no way out, realizing all was lost, simply did what he felt would be his final action before sure death:  he's shown facing the eagle straight on and extending a very meaningful digit of his right hand/paw/foot.

You get the idea. When all is surely lost...take your best shot!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I see a few of my loyal "tuner-inners" have been stopping by the blog now and then and I do appreciate that. My apologies for taking the last month off, so to speak. Unfortunately, it's taking me a while to realize the advice given me by an old friend and mentor really does matter: Upon learning of my retirement, he said I must learn to say "NO". 

Strange, how the unretired folks seem to believe a retiree, or even a semi-retiree like myself must have lots and lots of free time that can be used to _______________ (fill in the blank). I'm here to confirm that it just isn't so.  Over the past four or five weeks I've said "sure, why not" too many times and found myself short of the time, energy and ambition needed to post to this ol' blog.  

Now, here's my pledge to say No more often where necessary and Yes more often to the things that are most important to me. Sound arrogant? I disagree; I've worked for it, I deserve it, and I'm going to do it!

p.s. thanks, Clay; you're still teaching me after all these years.