Friday, July 29, 2011

We're Mad as Hell

I just watched this five minute video and had to get it up here for others to watch. The guy, whether really a small business owner or an actor, took the words right out of my mouth.

Congress:  grow up, cut the crap, drop the politics and make the right decisions for the citizens of this country...NOW!

Busy, Busy, Busy

I must apologize to my readership—   ;-)   —the past month has found my wife and I totally immersed in getting our second house ready for sale. Its been a rental for the past seven years so perhaps you can imagine the state it was in after the last renters left on June 30th...not pretty.

So, most evenings and certainly every weekend we've been cleaning, fixing, hauling, planting, trimming and re-doing the place, inside and out. She's on the market now, though, and looking pretty sweet while giving me time to get back to periodic blog entries.

So, if you're looking for a very nice 4BR, 2-1/2 bath lovely home in a beautiful neighborhood...have I got a deal for you!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Just be You

I saw this quote this morning and thought, "yeah, well, that can be a very tough thing to pull off".

About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all.    ~ Rita Mae Brown

So, think about it:  what "mask" do you put on for a job interview? when you enter a crowded room filled with strangers?  to meet with your boss? when you sit down at a table with your best friends? when you're at work? when the cop that just pulled you over taps on your car window?

For myself...guilty. I'm not the same "me" in all those situations.

So what's up with that? To impress people? So people don't see who you really are (gasp!)? To get something you want? To avoid something you don't want?

Ms Brown makes it sound easy to just be "you". I beg to differ; what do you think?

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Special Day to Remember

Dad would have celebrated his 93rd birthday today.

Yeah, I miss the guy...lots sometimes. Of course, he could be a real sonamagun now and then; I always chalked that up to his tough father, a tough upbringing in those Kentucky hills, having fought in a very tough war and having to be tough in his position as a Plant Manager.

In his retirement years, though, he softened up quite a bit. Age can do that; there's nothing left to prove because "been there...did that" and still around to tell the story. Until his later years, I only saw tears in his eyes on two occasions:  his mother's funeral and my mother's funeral. Mom's do that to their boys.

I seldom indulge in a Boilermaker, but tonight is an exception. It'll be Happy Birthday Dad, a shot of Black Velvet whiskey and a gulp of beer to chase it down.

Rest in peace, Dad, and give my best to those two special ladies, please.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Wonderful Holiday

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend Independence Day with two of my grandkids and their parents, of course. In keeping with the long-standing American tradition, we attended a minor league baseball game and stayed to watch the brilliant fireworks show afterwards. We even nailed three out of four items from the old commercial which sang of "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet". The apple pie will have to wait for another day (I drive a Chevy).

Jingles aside, though, it was a terrific day spent with folks I love dearly. Thanks for arranging this you guys!

The Answer to Our Economic Woes

Warren Buffet didn't amass his personal fortune by being lucky. He's reputed to be one of the most intelligent money managers in the country and his success is amazing.

This quote, attributed to him, makes a believer out of me:
“I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.”

The only problem I see is who the heck can we get to pass such a law? 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Interesting Candidate

November 2012 is a long way off and I in no way have picked my favorite candidate, but I've gotta tell you...Herman Cain is sounding pretty interesting.

Check out this video; he nails the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue while speaking about what is very important as we make our next presidential choice.