Friday, September 30, 2011

Those Pre-Retirement "Busies"

Long ago, I used to wonder what it would be like to retire from the 9-to-5 world. I watched my dad enjoy 25 years of winters in Florida and heard more than once, "boy, I don't know how I found time to work".

Well, my time has finally arrived. About a month ago I began making the financial arrangements necessary to take this major step down life's road. First of all, I applied—online—for Social Security payouts to begin. It went so smoothly I wondered if I'd missed something. Amazing! The very next day I received a call from them to clarify a couple things, setting my mind at ease that this was really happening.

Of course, making plans for my departure from my current full-time position has been full of challenges and details, but I believe things are just about set for me to ride off into the sunset.

Now, I'm not planning to sit on the front porch in my rocking chair, so what shall I do to be productive (and to produce some income)? I've been researching some part-time opportunities in retailing, delivery, work-at-home stuff, writing the Great American Novel (ha!), and others, but probably won't zero in on anything until some time in November. What a great opportunity though!

So, yes, there are lots of things in need of attention and many decisions to be made, but I'm not complaining. I cannot wait for this new chapter of my life to begin.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

None of Their Damn Business

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder, "what the..............".

This story both angers me and boggles my mind.

As you've no doubt heard from grumblers like me any number of times, the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizens the right to keep and bear arms—even in a misguided state like Illinois—end of argument. The fact that I or any law-abiding citizen in these United States owns firearms or is even licensed to carry them concealed is my personal decision.

This smacks of tactics seen in Nazi Germany in the '30s, prior to weapons being confiscated. Fortunately, since the time this article was published earlier this year, even Illinois is beginning to loosen it's restrictions on gun ownership. 'Bout time.

A Billion Here...A Trillion There

We hear our elected folks talk about millions, billions and even trillions of dollars. They throw out those numbers casually and sometimes I'm not sure I, or you, really understand what those names represent.

I came across what I believe is an excellent illustration of the relationship between these numbers. Check this out:

I guess I'm a "visual" guy, rather than a strict numbers guy, so that illustration really helps me to understand. Amazing isn't it?

Now, try to comprehend that the Total Public Debt Outstanding of these United States is over 14 trillion dollars! Then try to imagine the amount of interest on that debt. It makes my head hurt, as well it should. After all, pretty soon we'll be talking about Real Money.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Surfin' USA

I happened across this video on this rainy Monday morning and just thought it was a nice "no-brainer". Besides, I love the Beach Boys tune playing along with it.

That tune, Surfin' USA, also took me back to Huntington Beach, California, during the summer of 1967...a long time ago when I had some hair and a hankerin' to try surfing myself.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Grow Older and Meet New Friends

I've found it quite interesting that, as I age, I've been introduced to quite a number of new "friends":
  • No more doctor specializing in Family Practice; now I see an Internist, one specializing in Internal Medicine and all that can go wrong in there when one crosses the magical age 50 threshold. 
  • A routine dentist visit every six months or so is no longer sufficient. Introducing the Periodontist: a super dentist with dozens of ways to keep those teeth healthy and attached to your jawbone...for a price at least 50% higher than a regular dentist. 
  • Oh, let us not forget my personal favorite, the Gastroenterologist. You know, the one that says "drink two gallons of this delicious mixture, wait for the multiple explosions, then come see me in the morning so I can do amazing things with this ten-foot long flexible tube while watching TV". Good times!
  • Being (at one time) of fair hair and skin, and since melanoma was instrumental in Mom's death, I make an annual trek to a Dermatologist. He looks me over from head to toe and pronounces me as ugly as the year before. 
  • I remember my first pair of bifocal glasses and how walking down a flight of stairs was akin to stepping off the edge of the earth. I got used to it, though, just as my Optometrist insisted I eventually would. 
  • I have Type 2 Diabetes to thank for my occasional visits to a Podiatrist to make sure my feet are hanging in there. Actually, I've come to believe those appointments are simply a way for a man to receive a pedicure without taking all the ribbing from his macho buddies. 
  • Three years ago a little "hmm, that shouldn't be there" thing appeared near my bladder and prostate. Enter the Urologist who removed the (later to be determined malignant) growth, and threw in a Roto-Rooter procedure at minimal additional charge. Now I get to visit him each year for a "look-see" to be sure nothing else has appeared. Amazingly, he does ALL this through...well, let's just say an incision wasn't necessary.
  • And finally, my Internist recommended a daily additive to morning coffee which helps me to remember above (or below) all else:  fiber is our friend
So, as you can see, aging has expanded my circle of friends nicely. Hey, young folks...enjoy the friends you have now. The bunch detailed above are not nearly as much fun.