Friday, November 16, 2012

Say It Isn't So!

Hostess Brands Inc., the maker of iconic treats such as Twinkies and traditional pantry staple Wonder Bread, said Friday it is shuttering its plants and will seek to liquidate the 82-year-old business. The company, which filed for Chapter 11 in January, said it has requested bankruptcy-court authorization to close the business and sell its assets.

I'll be honest, I cannot remember when I last ate a Twinkie, but we're talking about a genuine piece of Americana here, people! Whether you favor the scrumptious treat fresh out of the package or deep-fried, as some enterprising eateries have done, this one will be missed.

Farewell, yummy old friend.

On a more serious note, a Wall Street Journal article goes on to say,
The work stoppage, launched Nov. 9 by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union to protest a fresh labor contract, affected about two-thirds of Hostess's 36 plants. The strike was making it impossible for the Irving, Tex., company to continue producing its baked goods, Chief Executive Gregory Rayburn said.
The CEO says they will be laying off most of their 18,500 employees immediately, which begs the question to the baker's union bosses:  how's that new (wage- and benefit-cutting) contract look to you now?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Simple But Troubling Question

Although the world's economy is teetering on the brink of financial malaise, let me just take a moment to jump into our very important and most attention-getting current event with a question:

Wouldn't you think the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency might have access to a more secure means of encrypting and hiding electronic communications rather than utilizing a Google Gmail account drop box?

Just askin'.......................................

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Helvetia's Dream

I am a neophyte astronomer, hoping that I can make time available to study the vast universe surrounding us, and I also thoroughly enjoy time-lapse video. Well, this one combines the two with lovely music...a fascinating and absolutely beautiful combination.

This video's creator/photographer is Alessandro Della Bella, a professional photographer living in Switzerland, most if not all of the scenes are in that part of the world. It is certainly beautiful country.

I highly suggest watching in HD expanded to full screen for your best experience. Enjoy!

Helvetia's Dream from Alessandro Della Bella on Vimeo.

Thanks to Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy for featuring this video.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote Today!

I voted this morning on my way into work. I arrived at 7:50 a.m. and lined up behind about 30 neighbors. Still, the process was smooth and I was back on my way in less than 40 minutes. The size of the ballot—with choices from President, to County Sheriff, to School Board member, including six ballot proposals—caused the voting to take more time than usual, but that doesn't's our Constitution-given right as American citizens and each of us needs to exercise that right. If you don't vote, don't even think of bitching about the results.

Hey, think of it (and cringe): the Presidential candidates have spent in excess of Two Billion Dollars to get to this point, you've endured God only knows how many political television and radio commercials and sorted through pounds of mailings. So, get out there and take a half-hour or so to express your choices on the myriad of important items up for a decision, a decision in the hands of the people.

Remember, if you don't vote I don't care to hear your whining about the results. Just Do It!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

An Amazing Natural Display

One of the blogs I follow, Bad Astronomy, posted an amazing photo today. I must say, had I witnessed this in person I may have dropped to my knees, bowed my head and waited to be "beamed away"!

Is this not beautiful?
photo credit: David Hathaway, a solar physicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
in Huntsville, Alabama
An explanation of this phenomenon from the blog entry:
It’s funny what tiny little ice crystals can do. Floating high in the air, suspended by air currents, they hang there… and then a ray of sunshine enters them. The light gets bent due to complicated physics, the interplay of that beam of light passing from air to a solid crystal and out again. But once that beam leaves, the sky can light up with a wizard’s pattern of colors and shapes. And if you’re very, very lucky, you’ll see something that you’ll remember the rest of your life.
For a full explanation and more information about the photo, go here. Pretty amazing, eh?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

One year ago today—11/1/11—I officially retired. At least, I retired from the full-time, work-a-day, prosper that career, chase the gold ring world. Then, just three weeks later I was commanding a 15-passenger bus at our local airport a couple days each week. In January, I began a 20-hour-per-week gig in a tiny marketing research office and I'm still working both of those jobs.

Bottom Line:  I'm loving it!

Retirement most certainly does not mean solitude, a good book, daily long naps, a rocking chair, and nothing least not for this guy. Both of my part-time endeavors put me in touch with people; people make life interesting, fun and worthwhile. Make no mistake, I covet my "alone time", but that time should be somewhat limited. Interacting with family, friends and others helps to enhance daily life, instills positive thinking, and keeps the old grey matter a bit more sharp—use it or lose it, they say!

So, beginning year two of this new phase of my life I'm happy to say I see no reason for changing a thing. Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead! After all, the day will come when I won't have a choice about available activities. That day, hopefully, will be postponed by staying active, social and engaged with the fascinating world around me and all that it's inhabitants have to offer.