Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just Tell Me What To Do

Very unfortunately, a very, very large number of folks in this great nation usually sit back, tune in the evening news and beg to be told what they should do in any upcoming election. They make up the great body of "uninformed voters" if you will.

The very real danger therein is that the media can influence, cajole, suggest...oh let's just say it...they can control who these people vote for. Did you see the recent magazine cover depicting Michelle Bachman as a scary, perhaps even crazy woman? Or perhaps you've seen the many, many shots of President Obama with that glowing circle (read: halo) placed perfectly around his head? C'mon, who are they trying to kid; what are they trying to accomplish? Seems pretty clear to me.

I now give you an example from The Daily Show that points out how one candidate in the Iowa Straw Poll was invisible (on purpose) to the pundits reporting on the results. Seems pretty clear who they want to be forgotten, isn't it?


  1. Well, there is certainly a case to be made of the media being used to skew public opinion. This has been happening since, well, there was media. However, in this day and age of instant access, many have realized that manipulation comes down to who can control the most air time. This concept accelerated a great deal, in the 90's, we deregulated media ownership. It used to be illegal to own too many media outlets in a given market. In the 90's when this ban was lifted, suddenly media ownership went off the deep end, and media empires were born. Suddenly it went from "News" to "Left Wing" (MSNBC) and "Right Wing" (Fox) propaganda machines. They knew perfectly well they could control the "sheep" with more control over the airways, "preaching to the choir", making "talking points", and pushing an "agenda". ...Sadly, it works, and creates the extremism so prevalent today. Because of it the era of compromise, and middle ground is disappearing.
    It is really great that we have shows like the "Daily Show" to point out some of these absurd practices. Even though many dismiss this program and "comedy" or "irrelevant", they really do make excellent observations about media hypocrisy and can help keep everyone grounded. Too bad they are a lone voice in the sea of media, but as least they are there, and willing to slay any sacred cow.

  2. You're preachin' to the choir.
    It's really hard work to research, listen, look and try to determine who would be the best leader of the Executive Branch or person to serve in the Legislature. It's just way to easy to sit in your easy chair and be told who is the greatest for this, that or the other.
    Shame on us.
