Monday, December 19, 2011

Of Mom and Memories

Oh, Christmas time, Christmas time.

My mother loved Christmas. She had many ways of making it so very special and memorable. Tonight, while eating dinner, we had Christmas favorites playing in the background and it just hit me. Choke time. From Oh Come All Ye Faithful to Silent Night, the songs took me back to those wonder- and joy-filled Christmases past that Mom made so very special.

She left us 28 years ago, but the music can bring her right back next to my side in an instant. She's smiling right now; Mom loved Christmas and everything about it.

Thank God for mothers, and thank God for His gift on that first Christmas.

Mom holding me in 1948. She's still making me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how mom loved Christmas! I too can still hear her singing those wonderful songs! Memories.
